Be a Friend to Chawton House

The seven-inch-tall bobblehead is dressed for a day of digging and mulching, but she also has style. Notice the practical wellies paired with a dashing hat—modeled, by the way, on a bonnet worn by Kate Winslet in the 1995 film of Sense and Sensibility.
And imagine Capability Jane quoting from her favorite poet, William Cowper, as she plants flower and vegetable seeds with her tiny trowel: “The seed, selected wisely, plump and smooth / And glossy, she commits to pots of size / Diminutive, well filled with well-prepared / And fruitful soil.”
You need this Jane doll because—face it—we all can use some help with the gardens we started during the lockdown. And Chawton House needs your help, too. Give generously.
You need this Jane doll, if only because Chawton House truly needs you.
A Day in the Garden
Last year, the North American Friends of Chawton House introduced you to Creative Jane, our second annual bobblehead, and your generous donations on her behalf were much appreciated during a difficult year. Things are looking up for 2022. In-person events have returned, and visitors stroll once again through the gardens, but your donations are still needed. In February, Storm Eunice swept through the UK, inflicting considerable damage to the grounds, and COVID-19 still casts a shadow.
But just as the famous English landscape architect and gardener Lancelot “Capability” Brown could beautify estates in the eighteenth century, so can Capability Jane—with your help. While supplies last, anyone who makes a donation of $75 or more to Chawton House through NAFCH can opt to receive this delightful bobblehead as a thank-you gift.
Share the Fun
We hope you will find creative ways on social media to boast of making a new friend—perhaps Capability Jane will tend your houseplants or weed your tomato bed (we know from her letters that Jane Austen loved tomatoes!)
Post them with the hashtag #SupportChawtonHouse so we all can see CJ in action! Please share with your own friends the link to this site.